Local Police Agencies Rolling Out New Electronic Ticket Software
In a joint effort between the Macon County Circuit Clerk, Decatur Police Department, Macon County Sheriff’s Office, and Mt. Zion Police Department a new software program will be implemented that will allow officers to issue electronic citations and written warnings. On October 28, 2016, the Decatur and Mt. Zion Police Departments began issuing electronic citations. The Macon County Sheriff’s Office will also soon be issuing electronic citations.
With this system, violators will be issued printed copies of their citations, written warnings, and City of Decatur Ordinance Notice to Appears. These documents will then be electronically sent to the Macon County Circuit Clerk or City of Decatur Legal Department. Drivers will still be required to sign a paper complaint copy of the citation, which will also be forwarded to the Macon County Circuit Clerk. By using this system, the Macon County Circuit Clerk, Decatur Police Department, Macon County Sheriff’s Office, and Mt. Zion Police Department plan to accomplish the following: significantly reduce the time required to input citations and City Ordinance NTAs in to various required software programs; reduce the storage requirements for these documents; provide the violator with a clear readable copy of their legal documents; and decrease the time violators are detained when officers are issuing multiple citations.