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Fire Hydrant Painting


Mt. Zion Pubic Works crews are painting fire hydrants throughout the Village this summer. The Village's fire hydrants are being painted as recommended by the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA). The NFPA recommends fire hydrants using public water supply systems be painted chrome yellow, and their tops and caps should indicate the available gallons per minute (GPM). Below 500 GPM should be red, 500-999 GPM should be orange, 1000-1499 GPM should be green, and 1500 GPM or more should be blue.

In the event of a fire, firefighters need to be able to quickly find and identify the fire hydrant to minimize the damage from a fire. Also, if you have a Village owned fire hydrant on your property, please trim back any trees or shrubs that may be growing around it. If the Village needs to get access to a fire hydrant, they will remove any items in the way. Thank you.